Schedules of Structural and Management Requirements in Flock Farms

Compartments for protection against avian influenza and Newcastle disease in poultry breeding companies in Great Britain

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs February 2013

OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code, 2011 edition.
“Compartment means an animal subpopulation contained within one or more establishments under a common biosecurity management system with a distinct health status with respect to specific diseases for which required surveillance, control and biosecurity measures have been applied for the purpose of international trade”

Schedules for Structural and Management Requirements in Flock Farms

List of Schedules

  1. Location and Physical Features of Compartment Premises
  2. Personnel Entry to the Biosecure Zone
  3. Personnel Movements within the Biosecure Zone (Multi Building Approved Premises)
  4. Vehicle Entry to the Biosecure Zone
  5. Entry of Breeding Poultry to the Biosecure Zone
  6. Feed Supply to the Compartment Premises
  7. Bedding Material Supply to the Compartment Premises
  8. Miscellaneous Inputs to the Biosecure Zone
  9. Addition or Removal of Birds (Multi-Age Premises)
  10. Despatch of Eggs from the Biosecure Zone
  11. Disposal of Dead Birds and Biological Waste
  12. Routine Monitoring of Flocks: Laboratory Testing
  13. Heightened Risk Periods: Additional Precautions
  14. Monitoring of Production and Mortality
  15. Disinfection of Bird Sheds
  16. Disinfection of Re-usable Equipment
  17. Rodent Control
  18. Staff Training and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)


The “biosecure zone” is the area at the core of the compartment premises to which high biosecurity standards apply. All personnel must undergo a whole body shower and change of clothing prior to entering the biosecure zone. There must be a biosecurity fence which defines the limits of the biosecure zone. The external walls of buildings may constitute part of the biosecurity fence.

The “compartment premises” means everything contained within the perimeter or boundary which is owned or leased by the company. At the core of the compartment premises is the biosecure zone. On the compartment premises but outside the biosecure zone there will be other, non-biosecure facilities such as a manager‟s house, staff car park, vehicle wheel decontamination pad, etc.

The “company” means the company making the application for compartment status.

The “External Operator” means an independent rodent control company which has a contract with the company to carry out rodent control on the compartment premises (Schedule 17).

“Heightened Risk Period” means any time when an outbreak of avian influenza or Newcastle disease has been confirmed within Great Britain; or when the flock farm falls within an EU protection, surveillance or restriction zone (Schedule 13).

(Note that, regardless of compartment status, all premises will remain subject to general disease control regulations under national and EU legislation).
“Multi-age” means a premises at which there is no period during which the entire premises is totally depopulated. It does not refer to a premises where the birds are of different ages, but it is run on a „staged-in, all-out‟ basis (Schedule 9).

“Multi-building approved premises” means a premises at which there is more than one bird shed, together with other essential buildings such as a shower block or a bedding material store, within the biosecure zone and they are not connected by fully enclosed passageways. Consequently staff must walk in the open air to get from one building to another within the biosecure zone (Schedule 3).

The “producer” means the enterprise producing and supplying the feed, bedding material, or other inputs (Schedules 6, 7, and 8).

“Visitor” means any person who enters a premises who is not employed by the company to work at those premises as their principal work location.

Note this means that a company employee whose principal work location is elsewhere is therefore defined as a visitor and must sign the visitor record accordingly (Schedule 2).


In all of the following schedules the Company must ensure that the listed structural requirements are met, and the company‟s written management Protocols contain all of the listed provisions.

NOTE: The paragraphs in bold type apply only to the GB Enhanced Standard. Paragraphs in plain type apply to both the EU Standard and the GB Enhanced Standard.

1. Location and Physical Features of the Compartment Premises

A. Structural Features

1.1  There should be no features within 400 metres of the compartment premises which might attract large numbers of wild birds or waterfowl. Typical attractions would be open water, canals or rivers, free range poultry or hobby bird collections, zoological gardens, outdoor pig farms, landfill sites, rubbish tips, etc.

1.2  The “compartment premises” means everything contained within the perimeter or boundary which is owned or leased by the company. There should preferably be a „perimeter fence‟ to define the limits of the compartment premises.

1.3  The biosecure zone must be enclosed by a „biosecurity fence‟ through which vehicles and personnel may not pass without undergoing appropriate decontamination.

1.4  The “biosecurity fence” has the purpose of preventing access by vehicles, or entry by casual or curious visitors, to the biosecure zone.

The vehicle and personnel gates through the biosecurity fence must be at least to the same standard as the fence itself. The vehicle and personnel gates must be locked. There must be notices clearly stating that access is prohibited except with specific authorisation.

The fence must be at least 4 feet (120 cm) high. If less than 5 feet (150 cm) high there must be at least one strand of tensioned barbed wire along the top of the fence. The fence must be constructed of materials that prevent people from climbing through it. If there are local features which indicate the possible presence of wild waterfowl, the bottom 2 feet (60 cms) must present a barrier that will prevent the waterfowl from walking through.

Notices must be clearly visible at appropriate intervals along the fence stating that people must not enter without specific authorisation.

1.5  In some circumstances it is possible for part of the external walls of buildings such as bird sheds or the shower block to form part of the biosecurity fence. The part of the wall acting as the biosecurity fence must meet the following conditions:

•  The junctions of the biosecurity fence and the wall must be securely tied in, without any gap that people might squeeze through.

•  All ventilation openings in the walls must be adequately protected with structures designed to prevent wild bird access.

•  All doors in the walls must be locked, and capable of being opened only from the inside (as emergency exits).

•  The structure of the walls must be sound, and free from any gaps or faults through which pests could gain access.

•  Trees, bushes and wild vegetation must be cut back from the walls to create a margin of at least 2 metres wide.

1.6  All buildings within the biosecure zone must be constructed of materials that are robust, moisture proof, and capable of being disinfected.

1.7  Each building within the biosecure zone must be furnished with a concrete apron, specifically covering the working entrance and exit of each building, and the walking areas between the buildings.

1.8  All ventilation openings on buildings within the biosecure zone must be protected by structures designed to prevent the entry of wild birds.

B. Management Protocols

1.9  At compartment premises where the management has identified the presence of features in the vicinity that are likely to attract unusual numbers of wild birds or waterfowl, the management must produce a risk assessment and a management protocol to reduce the risk in a way that is appropriate to the risk assessment.

1.10  Where such attractants have been identified in the environs, management protocols must specify additional measures to ensure that faecal contamination does not persist on the ground within the biosecure zone where it might present a risk, e.g. frequency of visual checks and use of hoses to clear contamination from concrete aprons around entrances, exits and walkways.

1.11  Regardless of whether or not local bird attractants are present in the environs, management protocols must contain instructions to ensure that there are no attractants within the compartment premises, e.g. spilled bird feed, exposed dead carcases or broken eggs, etc.

1.12 Regardless of whether or not local bird attractants are present in the environs, management protocols must contain standing instructions to staff that no doors within the biosecure zone may be left open and unattended.

2. Personnel Entry to the Biosecure Zone

A. Structural Features

2.1 At the entry to the biosecure zone there must be a changing room and hygiene facility, equipped with showers.
The hygiene facility must be designed in such a way that it is not possible to pass without going through the shower. There should be a sequence of cubicles for leaving bags and footwear and removal of outdoor clothing, whole body shower, and putting on clean, dedicated indoor clothing.

B. Management Protocols

2.2  An agreement signed by every member of staff that they will not work with, keep, or have direct contact with any collection of poultry or hobby or pet birds, and will inform management prior to entering the biosecure zone if they have had such contact outside this compartment within the previous 72 hours.

2.3  A statement signed by every visitor that they have not visited, worked with, or had any other form of direct contact with poultry or hobby or pet birds, except for birds within this compartment, during the 72 hours prior to their visit to the premises.

2.4  A record in permanent and easily accessible form of the attendance of every staff member, and the presence of every visitor to the biosecure zone.

2.5  Instructions for the procedure of entry through the hygiene block, leaving outside clothing and footwear and bags, whole body showering, and donning dedicated, clean indoor clothing.

2.6  Instructions to staff about controlling infection risk when bringing personal items (lunch boxes, mobile phones, newspapers etc) into the biosecure zone .

2.7  A procedure for disinfecting tools or equipment brought into the biosecure zone by outside maintenance workers, inspectors, etc.

2.8  A procedure to mitigate risk if it is necessary for emergency reasons for personnel to enter the biosecure zone with less than the prescribed 72 hours bird-free time.

2.9 Management protocols must contain instructions that if any person passes out of the biosecure zone for any reason, they must go through the full shower and clothing change procedure before re- entering.

3. Personnel Movements within the Biosecure Zone: Multi-Building Approved Premises

A. Structural Features

3.1. On a “Multi-building approved premises” staff must walk in the open air to get from one building to another within the biosecure zone.

3.2 On such a premises, at the entrance to every building within the biosecure zone, there must be effective arrangements to ensure that footwear cannot transmit infection (e.g. bench type boot change, double boot dip system, etc.), and to disinfect hands (e.g. hand steriliser, hand wash with sanitised soap, etc).

B. Management Protocols

3.3  Detail of which members of staff are nominated to work in which buildings, and whether staff members can, or cannot enter buildings outside their own allocation.

3.4  Instructions for dealing with footwear so as to prevent the introduction of infection if personnel move from one building into another.

3.5  Specify the location of boot dips, type of disinfectant, concentration, and renewal requirements, and instructions to staff about their use.

3.6  Specify the location of hand wash or hand sterilisation facilities, and detail of hand disinfectant or sterilising agent, and instructions to staff about their use.

3.7  If there is a staff communal or social area, specify how overalls and boots must be dealt with prior to and after mixing in the communal area.

4. Vehicle Entry to the Biosecure Zone

A. Structural Features

4.1 Lockable gates in the biosecurity fence for vehicle entry/exit.

4.2  An area for the decontamination of wheels, mudflaps and wheel arches, which must meet the following requirements:
•  The area must be located immediately before the vehicle enters the gate into the biosecure zone.
•  It must be clearly demarcated, by lines painted on the ground or a similarly understandable method.
•  The surface must be a concrete pad or similar which can be easily disinfected (porous surfaces such as gravel or hardcore are not acceptable).
•  Waste water must be controlled so that it does not contaminate the biosecure zone.

4.3  The equipment for decontaminating the wheels etc must satisfy the following 3 requirements:
•  The water pressure must be adequate to remove mud from the wheels, mudflaps and wheel arches.
•  The equipment must deliver disinfectant to the wheels, mudflaps and wheel arches.
•  The equipment must be sufficiently flexible to direct the spray into the inaccessible recesses of the wheel arches.

B. Management Protocols

4.4  Procedure for a driver to contact the local manager to inform him/her that the vehicle is at the gate, without entering the biosecure zone.

4.5  Procedure for decontamination/disinfection of tyres, mud flaps and wheel arches within the decontamination area, which must specifically provide for removal of mud and application of disinfectant.

4.6  Record of decontamination/disinfection maintained on site and signed off by responsible member of staff for each vehicle visit.

4.7  Instructions to define and control the areas to which the driver has access.

4.8  Procedure to ensure that driver‟s footwear is risk free (e.g. provision of company boots, boot disinfection, disposable boot covers etc), and procedure for disinfectant spray of foot well in driver‟s cab if the driver will be dismounting from the vehicle inside the biosecure zone.

4.9  How and where the record is kept of the vehicle visit, to show: date and time, owner of vehicle, registration of vehicle, driver name, cargo, last address visited, date and time of visit to last address, and manager‟s confirmation of decontamination.

4.10  Disinfectants must be listed on the Poultry Orders list of the Diseases of Animals (Approved Disinfectants) Order. The dilution rate must be at least as strong as that indicated on the list. The company’s contingency plans in the event of an outbreak of a notifiable disease in the UK should include a review and possible increase in the dilution strength.

5. Entry of Breeding Poultry to the Biosecure Zone


5.1  There must be a reception bay appropriately constructed to minimise the risk of introducing contamination to the bird accommodation areas whilst the doors are open. The design must be such that staff working inside the bird accommodation area do not have to come outside, and outside staff do not come into the bird accommodation buildings.

5.2  If the introduced birds are subject to quarantine, this may be carried out on an approved premises provided that:
Either the premises is free from any other birds during the quarantine period;
Or the birds already in residence become subject to the same quarantine rules for the same period of time as the introduced birds. The quarantine period will commence when the first introduced bird is placed in the quarantine premises. No bird may be removed from the quarantine premises until the quarantine period has been completed in accordance with paragraph 5.12 below (except for carcases for submission to an AHVLA laboratory).


5.3  There must be a system for recording the source of all introduced birds, and tracing their movement within the biosecure zone, and their destination on leaving.
The system may be either paper based or electronic, and must be easily intelligible for an inspector.

5.4  The protocol must state that birds may be transported into the biosecure zone only in vehicles that belong to, or are under a contract to, the company. The cargo compartment of the vehicles must be disinfected prior to loading. And the movement records must identify the vehicle used.

5.5  No birds of any age may be introduced to a biosecure zone unless they satisfy one of the following conditions:
AND in any case the conditions of transport ensure that there is no risk of their contamination:

5.5.1. Either they have been derived directly from another approved premises within the same Compartment;

5.5.2. Or, in the case of a flock farm in a GB Enhanced Compartment, the birds have been derived from an approved premises within another GB Enhanced Compartment;

5.5.3. Or, in the case of a flock farm in a GB Enhanced Compartment, the birds have been derived from an approved premises within an approved Compartment in another country, AND the conditions of approval in that other country have been deemed by the AHVLA Poultry Compartment Project Manager to be fully equivalent to the conditions of the GB Enhanced Compartment scheme;

5.5.4. Or, in the case of a flock farm in a Compartment within the UK which has been approved only under the EU Regulation 616/2009 but not under the GB Enhanced Scheme, the birds have been derived from a flock farm which is an approved premises within another Compartment approved under the EU Regulation in either the UK or another EU Member State. In this case the birds must be kept isolated from all other birds on their new premises for 21 days after arrival, and must be tested for AI as in paragraphs 5.10. and 5.11. below;

5.5.5. Or they undergo the quarantine arrangements described in paragraphs 5.6 to 5.12 below.

Notes to paragraph 5.5.:
a. re 5.5.2. Within the UK all Compartments approved under the GB Enhanced Scheme are considered to be of an equal health standard.
b. re 5.5.3. This paragraph could enable a GB Enhanced Compartment to admit birds for example from the Republic of Ireland, France, Germany or the USA.
c. Paragraph 5.5.4. is consistent with the EU Regulation 616/2009, which states in Annex Part 3. 2. (b): Poultry and their eggs “entering any holding on the Compartment must come from a holding having the same health status as regards avian influenza and/or be checked to ensure that they present no risk of introduction of avian influenza.”

5.6  QUARANTINE ARRANGEMENTS: the following paragraphs apply only to birds introduced from a source outside this Compartment which do not satisfy any of the conditions in paragraphs 5.5.1. to 5.5.4. above. Such birds must undergo quarantine before they can be accepted as belonging to this Compartment.
Before the introduced birds are placed in quarantine the Compartment management must produce written procedures covering paragraphs 5.7. to 5.12. below, and obtain written confirmation from the AHVLA Poultry Compartment Project Manager that they are acceptable.

5.7  Risk assessment by the importing Compartment to demonstrate that there is no possible risk of introduction of infection by the externally sourced birds.

5.8  Procedure for ensuring that the source is disease free: testing of the flocks of origin prior to delivery, independently verified biosecurity standards, etc.

5.9  Specify staffing arrangements, vehicle movement controls, and visitor controls. Specifically:

5.9.1. Staff responsible for the daily care of the imported birds in quarantine must not also work with other flocks during the post- import quarantine period.

5.9.2. Company staff who need to visit the quarantine premises on an occasional basis during the quarantine period may only do so provided that:

[a] Prior to entering the premises they have observed the prescribed „bird-free‟ time in the Company‟s protocol, and undergone whole body showering and change of clothing before entry.

[b] On leaving the premises they change out of the premises clothing, undergo whole body showering, and do not enter any other compartment premises until at least 3 nights have passed since leaving the quarantine premises.

5.9.3. No visitors other than the above staff may enter the quarantine premises for the duration of the quarantine.

5.9.4. Essential vehicle movements, such as feed delivery vehicles, may enter the biosecure zone at the quarantine premises provided that:
[a] The wheels are disinfected at the point of entry and again at the point of exit.

[b] Drivers must disinfect their footwear or apply plastic foot covering at the point of entry, and do not go further from their vehicles than is strictly necessary for their delivery/collection function.

5.10  Laboratory tests to be carried out during the quarantine period to demonstrate the freedom of the birds from AI viruses. An appropriate procedure would be serology or virology at least 7 days after arrival in accordance with Commission Regulation 798/2008 (Annexes III and VIII) (as amended).

For Newcastle disease there must be EITHER similar testing carried out on the birds, OR the parent flocks and the chicks must be vaccinated for ND.

5.11  Procedure for testing of birds which die during quarantine: If clinical observations during quarantine present any suspicion of AI or ND

infection virology must be carried out on dead or diseased chicks in accordance with Commission Regulation 798/2008 (as amended), and as required under UK notifiable disease legislation (Animal Health Act 1981 as amended).

5.12 Procedure to define the completion of quarantine and acceptance of the birds into the compartment. The minimum requirement is full 21 days quarantine commencing from the date when the last externally sourced bird was introduced, plus negative clinical findings and negative virology or serology results before release.

6. Feed Supply to the Compartment Premises

A. Structural Features

6.1 There must be a system of hoppers and augurs within the biosecure zone for the storage and distribution of the feed. The equipment must be kept in a good state of repair so that there is no spillage of feed that might attract wild birds or vermin.

B. Management Protocols

6.2  The producer must either be under the ownership and management of the company, or there must be a written contract between the company and the producer specifying the conditions of production, handling and transport.

6.3  Risk assessment by the company, giving reasons why the company considers the risk from feed material to be negligible.

6.4  Procedures by the company to audit the production, handling and transport procedures at the producers premises, including the frequency of audits.

6.5  The production process must be specified, indicating the end product (e.g. pellets, mash etc.).

6.6  Conditions of heat treatment must be specified, indicating target temperature and minimum time period. OIE recommendations for the destruction of avian influenza viruses specify 70 oC for 3.5 seconds, or 73.9 oC for 0.51 seconds. EU specifies 70 oC but does not specify a length of time.

6.7  Protocol to protect against contamination during and after production. The feed must be handled and stored through a system (augurs, hoppers etc) which is either dedicated to this company, or which has been thoroughly flushed out since any previous use either for feed not of the same standard, or not intended for the company.

6.8  Protocol to protect against contamination during transport from the

production site to the compartment premises. The feed must be transported in vehicles which are either dedicated to this company, or which have been thoroughly cleaned out and disinfected since any previous use either for feed not of the same standard, or not intended for the company.

6.9 Protocol for handling, storage and utilisation at the compartment premises in conditions where it is protected from possible contamination by birds or vermin.

7. Bedding Material supply to the Compartment Premises

A. Structural Features

7.1 There must be suitable storage facilities at the compartment premises, where supplies of bedding material can be kept clean and free from the risk of contamination by pests or wild birds.

B. Management Protocols

7.2  The producer must either be under the ownership and management of the company, or there must be a written contract between the company and the producer specifying the conditions of production, handling and transport.

7.3  The type of bedding materials must be specified (e.g. straw, wood shavings etc).

In the case of wood shavings, it is considered that the risk of contamination with AI virus is so low that viricidal treatment is not necessary. In the case of straw, a period of at least 2 months in storage is considered sufficient to allow AI viruses to become denatured.

7.4  The company‟s risk assessment must be presented, giving reasons why the company considers the risk from bedding material to be negligible, or viricidal treatment to be unnecessary.

7.5  Protocol for the company to monitor the conditions of production, handling and storage at the producer‟s premises, including the frequency of audits.

7.6  Protocol for packaging and delivery to minimise the risk of contamination by wild birds or vermin.

7.7  Protocol for storage at the compartment premises in conditions where it is protected from possible contamination by wild birds or vermin.

7.8  Procedure for taking the bedding material out of storage, and spreading it in the bird sheds by methods which will prevent contamination by wild birds or vermin.

8. Miscellaneous Inputs to the Biosecure Zone
(E.g calcium grit, oystershell, janitorial stores and consumables):

A. Structural Features

8.1 There must be suitable storage facilities at the compartment premises, appropriate for the type of item, where they can be kept clean and free from the risk of contamination by pests, wild birds or dirt.

B. Management Protocols

8.2  The company‟s risk assessment must be presented, giving reasons why the company considers the risk from each items to be negligible, or viricidal treatment to be unnecessary.

8.3  The process must be specified for each type of product.

8.4  Give details of any disinfection or sterilisation treatment, e.g. target temperature and minimum time period, if relevant.

8.5  The item must be packed in suitable packaging which will protect it from contamination by wild birds, vermin or dirt.

9. Addition or Removal of Birds: Multi-Age Premises

A. Structural Features

9.1. “Multi-age” means a premises at which there is no period during which the entire site is totally depopulated. It does not refer to a premises where the birds are of different ages, but it is run on a „staged-in, all-out‟ basis .

9.2 Multi-age premises must be laid out in such a way that, when one shed is being stocked or de-populated, there is no possibility of transferring infection from people or vehicles working in that shed to any of the other sheds within the biosecure zone.

B. Management Protocols

9.3  Description of status of catch teams: e.g. full time company employees, separate organisation under contract to company, etc.

9.4  Instruction that if the catch/delivery team enters the biosecure zone, they must first pass through the full shower and clothing change procedure. Otherwise describe procedure for preventing access by the catching team and drivers to the rest of the biosecure zone.

9.5  In the case of spent hens, procedure to transfer birds from company catching crates to vehicle transport crates.
In the case of transfers from rearing site to laying site, full details of crate handling procedures

9.6  Protective clothing provisions for catch/delivery teams.

9.7  Boot disinfection procedures for catch/delivery teams.

9.8  How and where permanent record is kept, showing: date, time, identity of personnel, identity of vehicle, identity of birds and sheds involved.

10. Despatch of Eggs from the Biosecure Zone

A. Structural Features

10.1. There must be a holding room for hatching eggs, which is constructed so as to exclude wild birds and pests.

10.2  There must be suitable facilities for disinfection of the eggs as soon as practical after collection, and before they are stored in the egg holding room.

10.3  There must be a loading out bay appropriately constructed to minimise the risk of introducing contamination to the bird accomodation areas whilst the doors are open. The design must be such that staff working inside the bird accomodation area do not have to come outside, and outside staff do not come into the bird accommodation buildings.

B. Management Protocols

10.4  Protocol for disinfection of eggs as soon as practical after collection

10.5  Protocol for the storage and handling for empty egg trays and trolleys prior to use

10.6  Protocol for procedure to deliver loaded egg trolleys into collection vehicle

11. Disposal of Dead Birds and Biological Waste

A. Structural Features

11.1  There must be a holding facility for dead birds, broken eggs, and other biological waste which is securely enclosed so as not to attract wild birds and pests.

11.2  There may be an incinerator on the premises, or else the biological waste may be transported to a disposal facility away from the premises.

B. Management Protocols

11.3  Protocol for the storage of dead birds and other biological waste pending its removal for post mortem exam, incineration or disposal.

11.4  If there is an incinerator on site, protocol for its use. If it is located outside the biosecure zone, a staff member who visits it must shower and change clothing before re-entry to the biosecure zone.

11.5  If incineration takes place on site, instructions for checking that all the biological matter is totally rendered to ash, leaving nothing that could attract pests.

12. Routine Monitoring of Flocks
Management Protocols for Laboratory Testing

Part I. Avian Influenza

12.1  Routine serology must be carried out on each compartment approved premises at least once every 6 months.
20 birds must be taken at random on the premises.
The samples must be submitted to the national reference laboratory (VLA). The type of serological test is to be decided by VLA.

This conforms to EU Regulation 616/2009.

12.2  In addition to satisfy the „GB enhanced standard‟ the compartment will carry out extra serological testing either using VLA or a laboratory accredited for avian influenza serology testing under ISO 17025.
The recommended statistical basis of sampling is 95%confidence/25%prevalence. This would indicate a maximum sample size of 11 birds per airspace. (Note that these figures apply to birds kept in a free-mixing barn floor system on the basis that the virus is likely to spread very rapidly; higher statistical standards are necessary for birds kept in cages).

12.3  Frequency of sampling (GB enhanced standard):
Rearing flocks must be sampled at least once within 28 days prior to the start of lay.

Flocks in lay (each airspace) must be sampled at intervals of no longer than 28 days (on the basis that this corresponds to the incubation period plus a few days in the egg store).

12.4  Procedures for resolving inconclusive results: samples referred to VLA. (Inconclusive results referred to VLA, and reported by VLA as negative, can be regarded as confirmed negative and recorded as such).

Part II. Newcastle Disease

12.5  Describe vaccination schedule: frequency of vaccination, type of vaccine, route of administration.

12.6  If the company carries out sampling to confirm the desired immune response, provide details (this sampling is not obligatory).

12.7  If the flocks are not vaccinated, provide serology details similar to Avian Influenza.

13. Heightened Risk Periods
Management Protocols for Additional Precautions

13.1  Visitors: If an HPAI outbreak has occurred within 50 kms of the premises within the past 3 months, all visitors should be prohibited, except those that are essential for the welfare or survival of the birds. Routine maintenance by outside personnel must be suspended. However the visit ban shall not apply to official visits by officers of the veterinary authorities for the purposes of disease control or other statutory functions.

13.2  Vehicles: If an HPAI outbreak has occurred within 50 kms of the premises within the past 3 months, all vehicle entry to the compartment premises should be prohibited, except in cases of exceptional and urgent need. Company vehicles which need to visit the premises, e.g. for egg collection, should be routed through areas well away from the suspect or infected zones. Vehicle decontamination procedures should be reviewed and if necessary increased.

13.3  Feed Delivery: : If an HPAI outbreak has occurred within 50 kms of the premises within the past 3 months, arrangements should be made with the feed company so that lorries are disinfected off site, and visit the compartment premises first before any other deliveries.

Apply additional vehicle decontamination prior to entry to the compartment premises, as above.

13.4  Staff and Equipment Movements between separate Compartment premises : If an HPAI outbreak has occurred within 50 kms of the premises within the past 3 months, all movements to be banned except where absolutely necessary. Separate premises to be treated as far as possible as isolated units.

13.5  Laboratory testing: frequency of serology in laying flocks to be increased at least to the level required in EU Regulation 616/2009, namely:
i. If HPAI has been confirmed in GB within the past 6 months, do serology on 20 birds per compartment premises at least every 3 months.
ii. If the compartment premises falls within an area under movement controls according to EU legislation, do serology within one week of the outbreak and every 21 days thereafter on at least 20 birds per premises, plus virology on 20 tracheal/oropharyngeal swabs and 20 cloacal swabs at the same timing and frequency, plus virology on 5 sick or dead birds (if present) at the same timing and frequency, plus clinical surveillance to be enhanced.

13.6  AND, in addition to the above the GB enhanced standard requires that: If the outbreak of HPAI has been confirmed within 50 kms of the compartment premises within the past 3 months, increase serology to 20 birds per airspace per week.

13.7  Risk Assessment to the whole Compartment: in the case of compartments comprising more than one approved premises, the entire structure of the compartment must be reviewed to assess increased levels of risk to other approved premises within it, and appropriate measures taken.

13.8  Instructions for compartment manager to confirm to Defra in writing at least every 14 days that the above procedures have been being carried out, and that all laboratory test results have been negative. To be sent either by post to Poultry Section, Animal Health, Hadrian House, Wavell Drive, Carlisle CA1 2TB, or by email to

14. Monitoring of Production and Mortality

Management Protocols
Part I. Mortality

14.1  Procedure to be followed by compartment premises manager for daily recording of mortality.

14.2  How and where the daily record shall be kept.

14.3  Normal range of mortality rates to be expected.

14.4  Action levels: level of substantial and unexplained departure from expected mortality rates which must be reported immediately to company vet or other higher management level.

Part II. Production

14.5. Procedure and frequency for compartment premises manager to record growth figures.

14.6  How and where the record shall be kept.

14.7  Normal range of growth rates or egg production to be expected.

14.8  Action levels: level of substantial and unexplained departure from expected growth performance or egg production which must be reported immediately to company vet or other higher management level.

15. Disinfection of Bird Sheds

Management Protocols

15.1  If the compartment premises is multi-age, describe procedures for preventing access by cleaning teams, and their vehicles, to the rest of the biosecure zone.

15.2  Procedure for removal and disposal of litter.

15.3  Description of physical processes of de-greasing, washing, disinfecting, and drying out.

15.4  Specify disinfectant type, and concentration, and method of application.

15.5  Specify routine maintenance procedures to be conducted during empty time: e.g. check on insect concentrations, check on bird proofing, check on condition and integrity of roof, maintenance of ventilation systems.

16. Disinfection of Re-Usable Equipment

Management Protocols

16.1  Specify the items of equipment concerned (e.g. catching crates).

16.2  Specify the location of the cleaning procedure (there may be different locations and processes for different types of equipment).

16.3  Describe the disinfection procedure.

16.4  Specify the type and concentration of disinfectant

16.5  Specify the place and method of storing the equipment after disinfection and prior to use, so that it is protected from contamination.

17. Rodent Control

Management Protocols

17.1  Specify who is responsible for rodent control operations on site. It may be company employees, or an external operator. If the latter, there must be a written contract with the operator which covers the details below as a minimum.

17.2  Number and location of bait sites

17.3. Type of bait.

17.4  Frequency at which bait sites are checked.

17.5  Describe responses which will be initiated if there is evidence of increasing rodent activity.

18. Staff: Training and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Management Protocols

18.1  A written programme for induction training of newly engaged staff.

18.2  A written schedule of the biosecurity issues to be covered during induction training.

18.3  A written schedule of the critical control points to be highlighted during induction training.

18.4  Details of any relevant biosecurity external qualifications which staff will be required to study and attempt, e.g. NVQs.

18.5  Details of any in-service top up training that staff are required to undergo.

18.6  Specific SOPs to be provided and individually tailored to each area of work.